R.D.R.K. PUBLIC SCHOOL is an English Medium C.B.S.E. Board, New Delhi Co-Educational Institution. The school is recognized by CBSE (New Delhi). English is the medium of instruction, communication and examination. Hindi is a compulsory subject as it is the National Language of our country. Sanskrit is taught from class 4th onwards as it has a major role in transferring ancient knowledge to present generation in Indian society.
The aim of the school is to draw out the best of the inborn potentials of a student providing him/her a favourable learning environment to make him/her to caster the fast growing needs of the nation. To accomplish this, special efforts are made:
1. To help the students become mature, spiritually oriented persons of character.The school offers computer education to the students from class first onwards. The Computer Lab is well equipped with all modern facilities.
In order to ensure the development of total personality of the students, the school provides amble opportunities for all students to encourage themselves in a wide variety of co-curricular activities like cultural dram, Dance, Lectures, Seminars, Songs and Debates.
In addition to normal curricular activities we have the following extracurricular activities such as sports and games, art and crafts, study tours, science exhibition and socially useful productive works.